Wednesday, March 02, 2005

'O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy

The best news I could have reasonably hoped for came through today: my blood tests show an almost shocking reduction in cancer markers, and I will only be going through three cycles total of chemotherapy. This means that my last week ends 3/25 (most of y'all will be on spring break) and the last time I will have to go in for anything chemo will be 4/6.

A couple weeks after that, after the drugs have completely abandoned my system, I will go in for a CT scan, which will show if any mass remains, and if it is large enough to justify surgical removal. Dr. Shevrin is optimistic that this will not be the case.

Today's session went well enough - my parents stopped by, as I had failed to procure food for lunch - with a new nurse, Jade Distajo, who got me out of there pretty quickly. And I feel less tired than on any preceding Wednesday. So goodness, all around!

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