Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Benadryl is a harsh mistress

I took my first dose of the last of my three drugs today - bleomycin. This is the hair-loss drug, so I could be bald, in theory, any day now (not true. Talked with the oncologist today, and he thinks it'll be a good two weeks. So my target of shaving on 2/19 looks good).

The interesting thing about bleomycin, it can cause rashes and fevers in the short term. So they gave me Tyelenol and Benadryl before I took it. I don't like Tylenol, we all know that, but whatever. But Benadryl...none of you have ever seen me on Benadryl before. There is a reason for that. In all my life of taking drugs, I have still not found anything that wipes me out quite as throroughly as Benadryl. I'm talking fucking elephant-tranqs here. I've managed to cling to consciousness so far, and I think I'm out of the worst. But I do find it ironic that my worst side effect so far is from an OTC antihistamine.

Otherwise, I'm perky and healthy, if we ignore the mass of mutated cells trying to eat as much healthy lung tissue as possible.

Props to Kat for coming to visit me. Thanks!

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