Monday, February 28, 2005

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!

So here I am starting my second week of chemotherapy. Yee-haw.

After (mostly) two weeks off, my veins were in a much happier place than when last I had an IV shoved into me, and it took but a moment to rig me up for the day. And then Julia started pumping this and that and the other thing into me, and it was very delightful. I watched My Fair Lady, if anyone cares.

For no reason that I can discern, I am rather tired. Not in a way that I am worried about, but I wasn't this fatigued last time I had this particular cocktail.

Anyway, let me extend the open invitation: anyone who wants to visit me, come do so! Letting me know beforehand. Because some days will be much better than others. But I am seriously fucking bored, now that the novelty of "woo-hoo, I'm in chemo!"* has worn off. So please consider this an undignified plea for attention.

But anyway, I am doing pretty damn good. They took blood to do a cancer marker count, and when I get those results, I'll post them.

*Also known as "fucking hell, I'm in chemo! WTF?"


Rebecca said...

If you were ever online, I could cyber-visit you. It's a bit to long of a plane trip.

Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog.. I hope everything turns out OK for you!