Monday, February 14, 2005

Weekend thoughts

With my first week of chemo behind me, some general observations:

-chemo fucking blows.

-no, really, chemo fucking blows.

That said, I haven't really suffered any of the Dread Side Effects of chemotherapy in any profound way. No nausea whatsoever - and thank God for small favors - and no fatigue that I haven't been able to handle (I have to admit, today was worse than yesterday, although Friday was probably the worst). Actually, the only big problem is appetite: I'm having a bit of a hard time with anything other than carbs and fruit. Meat proteins? Bah. Vegetables? Bah!

I'm really, really glad that I'm going back to work tomorrow. Having a for-real schedule again, and doing things and getting out of this damn apartment for more than a half-hour at a go will be very good for me.

There will be posts only as events dictate until my next cycle begins, 2/28/05.

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